In the global funeral industry, specialized recycling is in high demand. Orthometals is the only player in the world to offer a completely industry-specific process. Reliable, efficient, and transparent. It's: Crecycling.
You can't evolve in life without looking back and Orthometals does with pride. From the moment the founders Jan Gabriëls and Ruud Verberne met in 1986, the Crecycling DNA was born and the foundations for today's business operations and philosophy were established. Now, Orthometals is a professional company passionate about innovation and ready for the future!
Crecycling is the sustainable solution for crematoria. How does It work?
Once specialty containers are placed at your facility, the company will visit you on a regular basis to weigh and pick up the collected metals, go through the required paperwork and bring them safely to their sorting facility in The Netherlands.
The materials retrieved will be effectively separated, weighed, and documented according to the latest ISO standards. After this step, the materials are ready to be reused.
Once this process has been completed, the facility will receive a summary of the metals sorted and their corresponding prices. After deducting a processing fee, Orthometals will transfer the net proceeds to the facility's account.
Contact them or take a look at their website to learn more.