Vadis Assistenza Italia is the new funeral assistance company in Italy which offers a series of innovative services for its final customers and for the funeral companies that they want to affiliate with. Strengthened by over seventy years of experience of the Active Assicurazioni Spagna Group, where it developed from, it offers to follow and support its final customers (families) with a series of services, besides in time of death, designed for the entire family and proposes to offer new profitable opportunities for companies that will affiliate with Vadis Assistenza Italia.
There are many people now who want to think about and plan their funeral services in advance. This is because they want to relieve their relatives of difficult decisions and burdensome expenses. Here we offer an assistance service so that what is requested by the customer when signing the contract can be achieved in a calm, certain and competent way. The funeral directors affiliated with Vadis are those who receive the customer's requests and who, based on the type of ceremony and services requested, offer the family the appropriate package. Vadis Assistenza Italia offers the best service on the funeral assistance market with packages of services and products that the undertakers and affiliated funeral agencies will offer to their customers, earning an important commission on the sale of the assistance service contract, commissions on subsequent annuities maintenance of the contract and, lastly, on the funeral service that they will estimate and provide to the beneficiaries signing the contracts.